
Swollen feet during pregnancy: causes and how to reduce it

Find out what the leading causes are and learn how to reduce swollen feet during pregnancy.

Swollen feet during pregnancy are very common from the 6th month on and are mainly caused by hormonal changes, as well as fluid retention and weight gain. The good news is that this swelling tends to ease within a week or two after the baby is born.

However, there are steps you can take to reduce foot discomfort. Come check them out!

Why do feet swell during pregnancy?

The most common cause of swollen feet during pregnancy is chronic venous insufficiency, which happens when blood doesn’t flow properly from the leg veins back to the heart. This decrease in the function of the veins is due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, as well as the growth of the uterus, which puts pressure on the central vein called the cava.

It’s important to know that there are also serious conditions associated with swollen feet, such as deep vein thrombosis and preeclampsia. Therefore, it is better to call your doctor if you notice swelling along with other symptoms, such as chest pain.

Whatever the cause is, swollen feet can be very uncomfortable. As you enter your third trimester of pregnancy, it’s better to look for ways to reduce this discomfort. Check them out.

How to reduce swollen feet during pregnancy

There are some very effective ways to ease the discomfort caused by swollen feet during pregnancy. Check them out.

Drink a lot of water

To reduce swollen feet during pregnancy, it is important to drink plenty of water, because when the body is well hydrated, it retains less liquid.

In addition, drinking water stimulates the production of urine, which ends up eliminating excess toxins from the body.

Remember to raise your legs

Simply raising your legs lowers the pressure on your veins, which no longer have to work against gravity to send blood to your heart. Try using pillows and elevating your legs for 15 to 20 minutes a few times a day to reduce swollen feet during pregnancy.

Practice light exercises

Light exercises such as walking and biking are excellent allies in relieving swelling and helping the baby dilate and be fit for delivery. Swimming, floating, or even standing in a pool will also help alleviate discomfort due to the pressure the water exerts on the body. But be careful: you need to avoid sudden movements and staying in the water for a long time. Also try to get in and out of the pool carefully, using the ladder.

young woman stretching

Photo: Pinterest

Attention to the diet

The more salt you consume, the more fluid you retain in your body. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating many foods rich in sodium, such as cheese, olives, sausage, salami, and soy sauce, among others.

Sleep on the left side

While you can safely sleep on either side during pregnancy, it’s generally recommended to sleep on your left side to avoid putting pressure on the vena cava, which carries blood from your lower body to your heart.

Woman sleeping on the side

Photo: Pinterest

Pregnancy is a rewarding experience, so don’t let any difficulties put you off. Just be patient, and rely on the right tips and guidance from your doctor. Soon, the swollen feet during pregnancy will be gone.

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