
Baby development in the womb: Learn how it works

Do you wish to learn the main secrets about the development of the baby in the womb? Check it out. 

The pregnancy moment comes with many changes and discoveries, especially for first-time parents. In addition to being an experience like no other, the baby development in the womb also involves a lot of curiosity. 

From the first to the last month, the woman’s entire body is responsible for providing the proper nutrients for preparing the child for birth. Do you want to learn the main secrets of this phase? Check the post. 

First Trimester

The first three months of pregnancy correspond to the first 13 weeks.

Although it is not possible to notice external changes in the body, we must know that all internal changes happen very quickly. First, hormones go through significant changes, which explains the sudden tiredness and sleepiness.  

In the first four weeks, the egg meets the sperm and the fertilized egg moves towards the womb. Cells multiply and so the nervous system begins. 

In the fifth week, the baby’s heart begins to beat,  although its length is only 0.5 cm. You may already be able to hear it on the ultrasound – and this is a very exciting moment!

In addition to the brain and spinal cord, the liver, intestines and kidneys also develop. The baby is still a tiny particle, but the arms and legs are already showing the first signs. 

In women, the urge to urinate increases, the breasts and buttocks get slightly bigger. In spite of the drowsiness and tiredness already mentioned, there will also be well-known nausea. The good news for the next trimester is for all of this to pass. 

first trimester

Photo: Pinterest

Second Trimester 

To many mothers, the second trimester is the happiest, as the unpleasant symptoms of the first weeks usually disappear. 

A great change at this stage is the appearance of the abdomen, which occurs around the 13th week. However, you may only notice a small lump in the lower abdomen. 

With the new hormonal changes, the urge to urinate decreases. However, other discomforts may occur, like cramps and back pain. But don’t worry, this is usually reduced with rest and plenty of water.  

The development of the baby in the womb accelerates. In the fourth month, it grows 19 cm and reaches 200 grams. There’s also muscle development, which helps the baby starts to move, with small punches and kicks.  Although the baby is very active when he is awake, he still sleeps a lot: about 18 hours a day.

People who previously couldn’t hear the baby’s heart, can definitely hear it now cause their organs have already developed. The kidneys, for example, are already working. That means he urinates. However, the liquid dissolves in the mother’s belly.

This time, the sign is the discovery of the baby’s sex, a moment in which parents’ expectations are usually very high.  Of course, there are also the parents who prefer surprises during childbirth, so if that is what you want, make sure you talk to your doctor about it, ok? 

In the 18th week, the baby is already 26 cm tall and 500 grams. He is more active and his mobility can be fascinating. Take the opportunity to caress his belly and interact with him, as, in addition to recognizing his voice, this is a way of establishing contact, which is important after birth.

Around the 26th week, the baby’s eyelids are already formed and can be opened. The iris is blue and more sensitive to external sounds. The baby begins to accumulate fat, weighs about 700 grams and is 30 cm long.  

Third and Last Trimester 

The next three months are characterized by anxiety and a small sense of insecurity, the desire to meet the baby and the fear of going through labor.  

The baby’s organs continue to grow. In addition, the senses become more refined and the head and torso are more proportionate.  The baby already has the most complex brain activity, but the brain is not fully developed yet. He can control breathing and has around 70 different reactions, such as distinct taste and opening and closing of his hands. 

In the 7th month, the little one already weighs 900 grams and measures between 35 and 43 cm. The next weeks are marked by the accumulation of fat. Until the ninth month, their weight is about 3 kg and their height is 50 cm.

When the baby is about to be born, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet wrinkle. The lungs are already developed and there are surfactants, which help keep the alveoli open.

In addition, he has 270 bones and his heart beats around 120 to 150 times a minute. Between the 37th and 42nd week he will be ready to be born. 

third trimester

Photo: Pinterest

Do you want to know how to help your baby get healthier? Our advice is that you eat well and have time to rest and interact. Whenever possible, talk and rub your belly. This is not only good for him, but also for you.

Did you enjoy learning more about the baby’s development in the womb? Leave a comment below. 

Also read: How to Soothe Colic in Babies with the 5S Method.