
How to balance motherhood and career

Is it possible to balance motherhood and career? The answer is yes! We gathered a list of tips to help you deal with this challenge. Come check them!

Balancing motherhood and career can be quite a challenge for moms. But the good news is that it’s totally possible. With good tips and a support network, you will be able to handle the situation well.

Read our article and check out 5 tips that will help you with this task!

Balancing motherhood and career

With adequate information and flexibility, it is possible to balance motherhood and career. We’ve prepared some tips that can help you. Come check them.

1. Be patient until you get used to it

The arrival of a child is something magical and transformative. And depending on how many children you want to have, you will go through this several times. Therefore, taking the time to fully experience motherhood is important. That’s because the first few days, weeks and months won’t come back, so enjoy it while it lasts.

2. Build a support network

Having a support network is one of the key steps to balance motherhood and career, as it can help reduce your overload. This way, you will have more time to dedicate to other activities besides taking care of your baby, such as career and leisure. In addition, a support network allows you to rest and avoid a nervous breakdown.

3. Avoid perfectionism

 No matter how much you organize your career and your children’s needs, it will never be perfect. You may notice, for example, that it will not be possible to cook dinner for the children every night. So instead of looking for perfection, try to do the best you can. It takes a lot of the pressure from being a perfect mother, a perfect woman at work, and a perfect wife, which is clearly impossible.

4. Choose pro-diversity companies

Preferring to work in companies with pro-diversity policies is an excellent alternative, as, in general, there is a better understanding of the needs of women who are mothers and more inclusion in the company’s selection processes.

5. Flexible working is a great alternative

After the pandemic, home office is already a reality. And for those with children, it can be a very interesting option, as it avoids spending time traveling and allows you to monitor your child more closely everyday, without neglecting your work.


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