
How to Soothe Colic in Babies with the 5S Method

Does your little one have intense crying spells? It might be the well-known colic, very common in the first weeks of life. There is a very effective method to soothe colic in babies, called “5S”. Check it out!

Colic in babies usually leads to intense crying spells that can last hours on end. The discomfort usually starts around the baby’s 2nd or 3rd week of life and it tends to be a very challenging moment for parents.

Although both the cause and the treatment of colics are mysterious, there is a very effective method to soothe them, called “5S”. It was created by the american pediatrician Harvey Karp, and it defends the relevance of recreating the womb environment in order to ease the baby. Learn more in our post.

5S Method to Soothe Colic in Babies.

In his book “The happiest Baby on the Block”, the pediatrician Harvey Karp presents 5 steps – the “5S” – to activate the baby’s calming reflex and ease him or her. This happens when a womb-like environment is recreated. The technique carries the initials of the words: Side position, Suck, Swing, Shush, and Swaddle.

Side Position

Position your little one on your right arm with its head supported by the soft part of your forearm. That way, the milk in the baby’s stomach will flow easily towards the intestine. (Note: babies should never sleep on their sides or bellies, as that increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome).

side position

Photo: Pinterest


Babies have a strong craving for sucking in their first months of life. Satisfying this craving soothes the little one and stimulates the release of some natural painkillers in the brain, which eases the pain. Try giving him a pacifier or taking his little finger in his mouth, so that he sucks.


A slow and gentle swing also helps to soothe the colic in babies. In the womb, babies were “swung” 24/7, so even if you hold your baby 18 hours a day, it’ll be a significant bond break for him. In this sense, acquiring a sling is also highly recommended as it allows a closer bond between you and your little one.


Photo: Yogi Baby


When in your womb, the baby was constantly surrounded by noise, such as your heartbeat and the sound of your blood rushing. So, while holding your little one, you can get close to his ear and make a loud “shhh” sound to replicate this familiar noise. You can also look for white noise on Youtube, so you’ll easily come across many sounds. Although you might find these noises a little loud, babies find it comforting as it comes close to what they were used to hearing in the womb.


With a cloth diaper, wrap the baby’s arms comfortably against the sides of the body, as shown in the following picture. The wrapping makes him feel as if he was back in the mother’s womb, feeling the contact and steady compression. This step may be unnecessary in many cases.


Photo: Pinterest

Check out a video that explains the “5S” method step by step:

Did you enjoy our tips to soothe colic in babies?

Keep in mind that every baby is different. Some need to be wrapped, while others won’t calm down until you add the swing. And babies that are too fussy usually need four or five “S” done simultaneously so they can really calm down. The ideal is to experiment and check what works better for your little one.

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