
Babies in the Pool: Cautions for this moment of leisure

As summer arrives, temperatures are starting to rise and, with that, the swimming pool attendance becomes more frequent. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the care of babies in the pool. Learn more in this post.

After six months of life, the baby can already be stimulated in the pool and enjoy many benefits. However, it is important for parents to be very careful to avoid accidents.  To take proper safety measures and ensure safer fun, check out the main care you should have with babies in the pool.

Wait for the baby to turn 6 months

The ideal is to wait for the baby to complete 6 months, because from that age the inner part of the ear, which was straight, forms a curve, which makes it more difficult for water to enter and reduces the chance of infection. In addition, the 6-month-old baby will already be immunized against certain infectious agents. 

Pay attention to the sun protection factor

From 6 months, children can use sunscreen, with a minimum factor of 30. Up to 6 months, the use of sunscreen is not recommended, and it is not recommended to expose the baby directly to the sun. Instead, when sunlight is unavoidable, use a barrier method, such as clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF). 

To choose the factor, consider the skin tone: the lighter, the higher the protection index. Priority should also be given to products that are waterproof and can protect from UVB and UVA rays, as they are both harmful.

baby and sunscreen

Photo: Pinterest

Apply sunscreen in advance

For the product to be effective, apply the sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure. It is best to let the baby undress and apply evenly, in one direction, not forgetting the folds and ears. To ensure maximum protection, it is worth applying two coats the first time and reapplying the sunscreen after getting into the water. Remember that babies under 1 year old canot stay in the pool for more than half an hour.  

TIP: Avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and wear clothes and hats, which can also protect your children. 

Always accompany the babies in the pool 

Babies under the age of two must always be accompanied, even in a 10cm deep pool. This care must be redoubled when other kids share the pool because they can accidentally sink the baby or form waves in the water that cover his face.

baby and mother in the pool

Photo: Pinterest

Beware of chlorine

It is very important that the water is properly sanitized to preserve the baby’s health in the pool. Chlorine irritates the skin and mucous membranes and can trigger allergic attacks. Therefore, the ideal is to find a pool with less aggressive treatment, such as ultraviolet radiation, use of ozone (natural gas), or any other methods that use less chlorine.

Attention to what the baby should wear 

Special diapers for swimming pools are ideal, since the common diapers swell when in contact with water, getting heavier and disturbing the baby’s activities.  

Talk to the person in charge of the pool and, if you think the risk of your baby pooping is not high, you can enter only in swimming briefs or bathing suits, for a maximum period of half an hour.  

baby in the pool

Photo: Pinterest

Proper food

Do not feed your baby until an hour before the pool activity starts. If the pool is not too close to your house, after playing in the water, breastfeed or give snacks to your baby, because activities in the water will make him very hungry.

Water temperature 

The ideal water temperature is between 29 and 30 degrees Celsius. If the weather is too hot, you can put the baby in an unheated pool, as long as it is not too cold. However, if the baby starts to shiver, remove him from the water and wrap him in a warm towel.

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Also, read our article about Baby Nest.