
Loose Skin After Pregnancy: what you need to know.

We answer the main questions about loose skin after pregnancy and bring tips on how to reverse the situation. Check them out!

Bringing a new life into the world is an incredible milestone. But for that, your belly needs to stretch and make room to support the baby’s growth. In this scenario, loose skin after pregnancy takes place, generating insecurities and questions on how to reverse the situation. Thinking about that, we answer the main ones. Be sure to check them out!

Loose skin after pregnancy: why it happens

After giving birth, either vaginally or by c-section, your belly is no longer what it used to be. The uterus expands to support the growing baby and the collagen and elastin fibers naturally tend to break down, leading to loose skin after pregnancy.

However, despite being a natural consequence of pregnancy, there are other factors that contribute to sagging:

  • Lack of skin hydration: the risk of loose skin after pregnancy increases if the mother consumes little water and does not use moisturizers on the belly area;
  • Sugary and processed foods: having a proper diet during pregnancy is essential. Excess sugar damages collagen, which is essential for maintaining skin firmness;
  • Natural loss of collagen due to aging: from the age of 25, the body reduces collagen production, which can lead to loose skin;
  • Alcohol, smoking, and excessive exposure to the sun: these factors directly contribute to postpartum sagging, as they are one of the skin’s worst enemies.

How long can it last?

Swelling after pregnancy can last for six to nine weeks. During this time, the body gradually eliminates excess amniotic fluid and weight loss occurs.

Many doctors report that full abdominal recovery often takes up to 9 months, but there are really no rules. There may be more lasting and permanent loose skin after pregnancy, and this varies from woman to woman.

The important thing to keep in mind is that it can take months for your body and belly to fully recover, especially if you’ve had a c-section. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself to “get back” your abs or lose pregnancy weight quickly. Respect your own time.

How to avoid loose skin after pregnancy

Although loose skin after pregnancy is part of the body’s natural process, there are some precautions that can alleviate it. In your routine during pregnancy, try to:

  • Use body moisturizer: as soon as you find out you’re pregnant, try to moisturize your skin with creams based on vegetable oils, such as almond and macadamia oil;
  • Practicing physical activities: walking or water aerobics are great options. However, any physical activity should only be done with the knowledge and guidance of your doctor;
  • Have a balanced diet: prioritize healthy menus and avoid excessive weight gain. When a pregnant woman gains only the necessary weight – ideally between 9 and 12 kilos – it is easier for her to regain muscle tone.

How to tighten loose skin after pregnancy

There are several practices that can be done to tighten loose skin after pregnancy. Combined with nutritional treatments and skin hydration, these practices greatly increase the chances of restoring firmness to the woman’s body.


Pilates is a method of exercise in which the body’s own weight is used to strengthen muscle tissue, especially the abdominal and pelvic ones, which are the muscles most affected by loose skin after pregnancy. However, it is important to emphasize that it should only be done after the doctor´s approval.


Among the most indicated treatments, there is also physiotherapy prescribed by a doctor. It helps to bring strength and firmness to the affected areas as it works specifically on areas of loose skin to help restore it.

Hypopressive Gymnastics

The hypopressive method consists of postures combined with breathing exercises that strengthen all the muscles of the abdomen, to considerably reduce loose skin.

The exercises can be performed 40 days after the birth of the baby, in case of normal delivery, or 2 months after the c-section. And what is best: you can do it from home, while your child is sleeping, and it’s a form of self-care.

Aesthetic Treatments

Some aesthetic treatments, such as plastic surgery, can also bring great results. However, it is always necessary to obtain authorization from your doctor and find a suitable professional to perform the procedure. If done wrong, treatment can have worse consequences on woman’s life.


Have you just given birth? Embrace each stage of recovery and your body’s changes with pride. There is no room for shame or forced fast recovery. Remember, your body has just been pushed to the extremes that pregnancy and childbirth involve.


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